People Showed Me Their Hands

As I was setting up to play on the platform at 59th street, a guy asked me how much it costs to get a permit to play in the subway. He said he busks in Boston, playing guitar and singing, and that its very different the way busking works over there. Buskers don’t have to…

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A Dog With a Health Care Plan

As I was climbing up the stairs at the subway station, an MTA construction worker was climbing down, carrying a ladder. “You still play?” he asked me. It always warms my heart when people recognize me. As the train passed the 59th street subway station I could see Frankie playing his guitar on the platform.…

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Museum Tours for the Blind

It was a rainy and dreary day – I barely dragged myself out to play in the subway today. Mosaics in the subway: 8th Street N/R station, on the north side of the downtown track. A guy told me that he tried to play the musical saw when he was a kid on a farm.…

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Juggling Fire While Drumming

On the train on my way to my busking spot there were two Nortenos with an accordion and a guitar. They were taking the train to Manhattan but they were not playing. Apparently, they don’t work this train line. The three acapela singers who call themselves ‘The Fellows”, Bo, Chill and the one who’s name…

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The Smell of Baked Goods

As I was transferring trains at Union Square I saw Dan Stevens playing guitar and singing at the Music Under New York busking spot. A woman was dancing with a little kid to the sound of the music. My busking spot for the day was at the Whitehall Ferry Terminal in lower Manhattan. An older…

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Cops Photographing Buskers

I held the elevator doors at the Times Square subway station for a slow walking oriental gentleman. He said to me: “you play the musical saw”. Saw Lady: “You’ve seen me?” Gentleman: “Yes. I play violin”. The elevator doors opened and we said our goodbyes. I sat up at the Music Under New York busking…

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Worst Busking Day

When I arrived at the Music Under New York busking spot at the Times Square subway station, Agua Clara, the Andean band, were playing at the spot, with Graywolf selling CDs for them. “I’m inside now”, Graywolf told me. Graywolf has been homeless for some time now. He’s staying at 115th street and soon will…

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Building with Many Numbers

As I got to the turnstile at the subway station near me, I could hear the train pulling into the station. I still had to go through the turnstile and climb up two flights of stairs, with my heavy busking gear. As I rushed up the stairs I could hear the announcement “Stand clear of…

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Old Man in a Village in Jamaica

It was raining. On the platform of the 59th street subway station a trumpet player was playing “New York, New York”. There were some small puddles near the Music Under New York busking spot, but not too bad. This spot is known for having rain come down on it whenever it rains outside. Photographer: ©…

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