Cops Photographing Buskers

I held the elevator doors at the Times Square subway station for a slow walking oriental gentleman. He said to me: “you play the musical saw”. Saw Lady: “You’ve seen me?” Gentleman: “Yes. I play violin”. The elevator doors opened and we said our goodbyes. I sat up at the Music Under New York busking…

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Adventures of a Homeless Lady

The Chinese dulcimer player was playing on the platform when I arrived at the Music Under New York busking spot at Times Square. Rich, who is a photographer trying to get a job as one, told me he was told by a newspaper that in order to be hired as a photographer he also needs…

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Buskers Overflow

On my way to busking at Times Square, through the open doors of the train at 59th street I could see and hear the older Chinese guy playing a hammer dulcimer. Luke Ryan, the singer-songwriter who plays guitar, was at the Music Under New York spot by the big mosaics. Juan Castillo passed by, carrying…

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The Art of Freezing Gatorade

A guy helped me carry my busking gear up the stairs at the subway station. “Thank you, you’re my angel!” I said. He laughed as he said “You’re welcome”. Geo was playing guitar at the Times Square mezzanine busking spot but nobody was at the Mosaics spot. Delta Dave was on his way to playing…

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Woman Playing a Weird Instrument

I arrived at the Music Under New York spot at The Times Square subway station at 11:30am. There was nobody at the spot, and loud music was coming from the record store next door. I went into the store and asked a guy working in there if they could turn their music down, because I…

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It’s a Bird

It was raining as I made my way to playing in the subway today. At the Music Under New York spot at the Union Square subway station Louis and a friend were playing Andean music. They were there since 8am. It was almost noon, and they said, as they gave the spot over to me,…

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The “Bulldog”

After about 3 months of absence from what used to be my favorite spot to play in the NYC subway, I decided to give the Times Square subway station another try. I didn’t have my hopes high as I expected the new music store that opened right next to the Music Under New York spot…

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Kids Grow Up

On the train, on my way to playing in the subway, the mute lady who walks the trains was handing out little sign language cards. She greeted me ‘hello’ in pantomime. She really is mute. I don’t know if she is also deaf. Very nice lady. Nobody was at the Music Under New York spot…

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