People Say the Darnedest Things
When I arrived at the Music Under New York spot at the Union Square subway station it was 11:45 and there was nobody there. The elevator from the platform wasn’t working, so I had to carry my gear up the stairs. There were two people sleeping on the bench near the MUNY spot. A group…
Read MoreBlogging and Busking are Similar
I arrived at the Music Under New York spot at the 59th street & Lexington subway station at 11:35AM. A nice oriental gentleman helped me carry my cart up the two flights of stairs. Matt, an NYU journalism student, watched the scene and asked me a bunch of interesting questions about my blog and busking.…
Read MoreA Good Spot is Hard to Come By
At 11:40AM Juan Castillo was playing mandolin at the Music Under New York spot at the Times Square subway station. At that time the ‘Beulah Outreach Ministries’ were setting up a table and lots of advertisements on portable stands by the wall further down from our spot. Juan wished me a happy belated birthday and…
Read MoreGuy Mowed Over My Stuff!
I got to the Music Under New York spot at Times Square at 11:30am to find Don Witter playing jazz guitar there. He was wearing the Music Under NY shirt and displaying the MUNY tote bag, so he looked very official 🙂 While I was waiting for Don to finish his set the singer who…
Read MoreThe Busker
Here is a beautiful true story written by Margaret Leigh of Australia. She really captured the essence of buskers’ philosophy: The Busker by Margaret Leigh (printed with permission) A story I wrote about a man I used to see on my way to and from work each day. Some people can make an impact on…
Read MoreMusic is Good for the Stomach
Alberto, the pan flute player who is a ‘freelancer’ (plays without a permit) was at the Music Under New York spot at Union Square when I got there. He said today was “so-so”. He prefers Times Square. Well, don’t we all 🙂 That’s why it’s so hard to find a vacant spot there! A guy…
Read MoreLady Related to Royal Family of Chile
When I got to the Music Under New York spot at the Times Square subway station this morning, I found Lenny, a percussionist who goes by the name ‘Drum Zone’, already packed up and ready to hand the spot over to me. He had been playing there since 8am. he asked me if I got…
Read MoreHolding the Chair Together With My Legs While Playing
Not many buskers go to the 59th street and Lexington subway spot of Music Under New York. I guess it’s because it’s on the platform and the noise of the trains is loud, but in my opinion it’s a great spot. When I got there I noticed that there were no hooks on the wall…
Read MoreThey Noticed I Was Gone!
There was nobody at the Music Under New York spot at the Union Square subway station when I got there today. Soon after I started playing two guys greeted me with much joy. It turned out their names were Joseph and Mark. Mark is an intern with Atlantic Records. He said he had been to…
Read MoreSeptember Concert
I remember exactly where I was on 9/11 six years ago – I was on my way to a gig when the first airplane hit the towers. We could see the smoke all the way to my house. In 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11 the ‘September Concert’ was first organized. Basically on this…
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